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为了克服新形势下军事发展面临的一系列环境安全问题,不断加强军事环境管理工作,拓展并解析了军事环境安全的概念,建立了基于WSR方法论的军事环境安全三维分析模型.结合模型的“物理”、“事理”、“人理”分析,提出了一套相互关联的军事环境安全策略,为进一步深入研究并制定军事环境安全战略规划提供了重要参考.  相似文献   
The Indian Army, a force trained primarily for conventional warfare, has been engaged in internal counter-insurgency operations since the 1950s. Despite such a long innings on a counter-insurgency mode, little attention has been accorded within military circles to doctrinal innovation for waging sub-conventional warfare in India's democratic political context. At best, the Army continues to view counter-insurgency duty as secondary to its primary duty of defending India from external conventional threats. By conceptualizing a counter-insurgency strategy of ‘trust and nurture’, this article aims to fill this critical doctrinal gap in India's military policy. The author argues that a counter-insurgency strategy of ‘trust and nurture’ based on democratic political culture, measured military methods, special counter-insurgency forces, local social and cultural awareness and an integrative nation-building approach will result in positive handling of India's internal security problems. The author utilizes India's counter-insurgency experiences in Assam, Mizoram, Nagaland, Punjab, and Operation ‘Sadhbhavana’ in Jammu and Kashmir as illustrative empirical indicants in order to validate the ‘trust and nurture’ strategy.  相似文献   
遥感图像自动配准的串行与并行策略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
面对数据量呈指数增长的全球遥感图像,研究快速、有效、高精度的自动图像配准算法成为遥感领域迫切需要解决的问题。综述了遥感图像自动配准算法的研究现状和关键技术,且从新的角度分类总结了已有算法的特点及适用情况,并给出了综合的解决方案;同时研究并提出了三种新的并行策略,获得了较好的实验结论。由于算法采用粗粒度的数据并行方法,因此可扩展性和可移植性较好,无论在理论上还是在实践上都能为实际的遥感应用提供有益的指导和借鉴。最后提出了有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
为提高DDR3控制器访存效率,设计了基于DDR3存储器预取访问数据长度的数据缓冲机制,将访存请求分为三种基本类型并分别排队处理,降低数据丢弃和实际动态随机访问存储器访问发生次数。针对图像和视频类应用程序的实验结果表明,相对于传统先到先服务的DDR3访存控制器,该机制取得了平均21.3%、最好51.3%的性能提升,硬件开销在可接受范围内。  相似文献   
基于虚拟终端的全网漏话提示业务方案创新性地把呼叫转移和信令监测结合在一起,不但能完整地实现全网所有用户的漏话提示业务,而且无须对现有网络添加新的网元。与基于呼转和信令监测的传统方案相比较,基于虚拟终端的方案有明显的优势。该技术方案在中国联通多个省移动网漏话提示系统中成功运用。  相似文献   
构建满足完备性、精简性和查询快速性的导航星表是实现捷联惯性/星光组合导航系统的重要前提和保证。为了达到这一目标,本文选取天文学中的Tycho-2星表作为导航星表的初始星表,它与TRC星表相比具有明显的优势,在实践运用过程中更加完备。在Tycho-2星表基础上,对球矩形分区方法进行了改进,包括明确了分区及子分区的划分方法,提出了备选导航星的选择策略。实验结果表明,采用改进型球矩形分区方法的备选导航星数量最多只占赤纬带法导航星的19.39%,仅占全天遍历法导航星的3.12%。因此,改进型球矩形分区方法更加精准,查询更快捷,更适用于SINS/CNS组合导航系统。  相似文献   
We consider preventive transshipments between two stores in a decentralized system with two demand subperiods. Replenishment orders are made before the first subperiod, and the stores may make transshipments to one another between the subperiods. We prove that the transshipment decision has a dominant strategy, called a control‐band conserving transfer policy, under which each store chooses a quantity to transship in or out that will keep its second‐subperiod starting inventory level within a range called a control band. We prove that the optimal replenishment policy is a threshold policy in which the threshold depends on the capacity level at the other store. Finally, we prove that there does not exist a transfer price that coordinates the decentralized supply chain. Our research also explains many of the differences between preventive and emergency transshipments, including differences in the optimal transfer policies and the existence or nonexistence of transfer prices that coordinate the system. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
采用基于Vega和Creator的虚拟现实仿真机制和人机交互设备,构建某型工程车训练仿真系统虚拟操作训练环境。根据位置跟踪传感器跟踪受训人员手的位置和姿态,使用数据手套获取受训人员手部各关节数据,驱动虚拟手实现人机交互,完成虚拟操作训练任务,并采用前馈神经网络模式识别法和空间位姿判别法,分别对静态手势和动态操作命令进行识别。  相似文献   
虚拟物流企业设计的目的是获取最佳的物流效能,而最佳物流效能必须通过最佳的组织效能来体现,表现在物流使命与企业架构的匹配。由于网格环境下虚拟物流企业设计较为复杂,基于组织权变理论,首先给出了相关的基本概念,指出虚拟物流企业设计包括工作流程和企业架构设计两个方面,设计过程就是二者的平衡过程。此外,按照在物流资源约束的情况下能够产生最佳组织状态为要求,进行了虚拟物流企业设计,以数学模型表示了设计过程,并明确了求解任务,对虚拟物流企业设计研究由定性分析向定量研究转变进行了初步尝试。  相似文献   
We have asymptotically solved a discrete search game on an array of n ordered cells with two players: infiltrator (hider) and searcher, when the probability of survival approaches 1. The infiltrator wishes to reach the last cell in finite time, and the searcher has to defend that cell. When the players occupy the same cell, the searcher captures the infiltrator with probability 1 ? z. The payoff to the hider is the probability that the hider reaches the last cell without getting captured. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 49: 1–14, 2002; DOI 10.1002/nav.1047  相似文献   
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